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My Portfolio
Welcome to my portfolio. Here you’ll find a selection of my work. Explore my projects to learn more about what I do.

Radio Weathercaster
It was December of 1970, at age 14, when Yaros became one of only two teens in the nation to share daily weather observations and forecasts on a commerial radio station. WXOX Radio in Bay City, Michigan, radio teletype, The U.S. Navy's Bureau of Ships, Richmond, Virginia.
Climatological observer for the State of Michigan, Bay City Times, Arenac paper, national current science
Climatological observer for the State of Michigan, Bay City Times, Arenac paper, national current science

Radio Newscaster
By his senior year in high school, Yaros was hosting radio programs and anchoring radio newscasts on the CBS Radio affilaite , WSGW in Saginaw, Michigan. As an undergraduate at the University of WIsconsin-Madison, he anchored newscasts on WISM Radio in Madison, including stories in which he interviewed then U.S. Vice Presidential candidate, George W. Bush.

Professor and Researcher
2008, Assistant Professor, Univeristy of Maryland-Colelge Park Neiman Reports, Merrill newsletter, Science Communication, Science Beat, excellece in undergraduate teaching, Digital Engagement Lab, eye-tracking,

Chief TV Meteorologist
KTVI, Three Emmys, AMS Seal, NWS Seal, hundreds of school visits, local parages, March of Dimes, Moonlght Ramble, Great Forest Park Balloon Race, July 4th VP Fair at the St. Louis Arch, on the first in the nation (in 1982) to beging a "Feature Photo" and "local "Neighborhood Network," Local Miracle Network, legendary Cardinal Baseball announcer Jack Buck, Marlin Perkins' Wild Kingdom, , a regular Johnny Carson, Stan the Can Man, For Spacious Skies, Adjunct Professor, St. Louis Community College and Adjust Profesor at Webster University while completing the Master's of Arts in Teaching.

Weekend TV Meteorologist / Science Reporter
His televison career began in 1978 as host of a weekly call-in show on the PBS-affilaite WUCM-TV for Michigan's Delta College Public Media. In his senior year in communications and meteorology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1980), he was hired as weekend meteorologist at Madison's WMTV- Channel 15. He also was the host of local travel sites for Channel 15's "PM Magazine."

Corporate President
Weatherschool 105 TV stations more than 75% of the nation, , Studentbody (from his master's thesis) 43 TV stations, ViewerNET 25 TV stations, first to engineer a one piece weather station for instllation at schools. for access by students and one local TV stations, all with registered trademarks and service marks, $100,000 National Science Foundaton Small Business Innovation Research for virtual balloon launch.

Ph.D. Student and Asistant Professor
UW-Madison, Dunwoody, Postle, Davidson, CIRTL, AAAS, Disserattion committee Gunther, Gernsbacher, Comm Arts, Eason Award for Excellence in Science Research, Association for Eduction in Journalism and Mass Communication. University of Utah, broadcast journalism, "Newsbreak," a weekly student broadcast airing on Salt Lake's PBS affiliate KUED-Channel 7.
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