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The following book chapters, journal publications, and peer-reviewed conference papers. contributed to the evolution of the "digital engagement model."  While some studies related to education, all of the studies employed a digital engagement dimension to measure the preferences, perceptions, and behaviors of the next generation of digital content consumers. 

Dinfin Mulupi, Frankie H.C. Wong, & Ronald A. Yaros, (2024)  Investigating Effects of a Physician’s Race and Gender on User Engagement With and Perceived Credibility of COVID-19 Vaccine News, Newspaper Research Journal, 0 (0) 

Yaros, Ronald A.  (2023). Distracting Students from Phones to Lessons on Diversity: Testing a Digital Engagement Model for Sustaining Engagement in Online Courses., Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Best Practices G.I.F.T. Competition Recognitions, AEJMC, Standing Committee on Teaching Washington, D.C. August 2023.

 Yaros, Ronald A., Md Mahfuzul Haque, Md Main Uddin Rony & Naeemul Hassan, Varying Amounts of Information in Health News Headlines Can Affect User Selection And Interactivity.

Yaros, Ronald A. & John Misak, (2021). Completing College Writing Assignments on Mobile Phones: Comparing Students’ Attitudes and Engagement Across Disciplines and Age, Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 76(2), 216-227.

Yaros, Ronald A., Md Mahfuzul Haque, Md Main Uddin Rony & Naeemul Hassan, (2020) Varying Amounts of Information in Health News Headlines Can Affect User Selection and Interactivity, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (Newspaper and Online News Division), virtual, August 2020.

Bhat, Aditya R. & Yaros, Ronald A., (2018). How Many Will Read It on Reddit?  Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (Communication Technology Division), Washington, D.C., August 2018.

Aldoory, L., Yaros, Ronald A., Prado, A., Roberts, E., & Briones, R. L. (2016).  Piloting health text messages for rural low-income mothers: Effects of source similarity and simple action steps, Health Promotion Practice, 15(5), 702-710.

Yaros, Ronald A., (2014). The PICK Model and a new MEEC College Lecture or a Manageable Educational Environment for Collaboration. International Communication\Association’s preconference “Innovation in Higher Education” by the Oxford Internet Institute and hosted at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, May 2014.

Yaros, Ronald A. (2013). Attention Versus Learning of Online Content. In Robert Zheng(Ed.) Evolving Psychological and Educational Perspectives on Cyber Behavior, 132-155. Information Science Reference, IGI Global

Yaros, Ronald A. (2013).  Attention Versus Learning of Online Content. In Robert Zheng(Ed.) Evolving Psychological and Educational Perspectives on Cyber Behavior, 132-155. Information Science Reference, IGI Global

Yaros, Ronald A. (2012). Effects of Mobile Devices and Text Messages: A Multi-Study Design to Explore a Model for Mobile Learning in Introductory Journalism, International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology & Learning, (2) 3, 59-72.

Yaros, Ronald A. (2012).  Social Media and Education: Do Personalization and Interactivity Facilitate Learning?  In H.S. Noor Al-Deen, J.A. Hendricks (Eds.) Social Media: Usage And Impact, 57-74. Lexington Books.

Roberts, J. & Yaros, Ronald A.  (2012). Facebook versus News Aggregators: Comparisons of Users’ Perceived Credibility, Perceived Importance and Likelihood to Share News, Graduate Research Interactive Day, University of Maryland-College Park, April 2012.

Yaros, Ronald A., Cook, Anne, (2011).  Attention versus Learning of Online Content: Preliminary Findings from an Eye-Tracking Study,  International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology & Learning, (1) 4, 49-69.

Yaros, Ronald A. (2011).  Effects of A Text and Hypertext Structures on User Interest and  Understanding of Science and Technology, Science Communication, 33 (3), 275-308.

Chong, E. Yaros, Ronald A. & Newhagen, J. (2011). Does Geographical Distance Matter for News Online? Measuring the Audience’s Emotional Proximity, Personal Relevance and Perceived Intensity of News That is Near or Far, Association for
Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Louis, MO, August 9-13, 2011.

Yaros, Ronald A., (2010). Tracking Explanations in Health News: More Attention Is Not Always Needed for Understanding, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Denver, CO, August 4-8, 2010.

Yaros, Ronald A. (2009).  Producing Citizen Journalism or Producing Journalism for Citizens? A New Multimedia Model to Enhance Understanding of Complex News. In Z. Papacharissi (Ed.) Journalism and Citizenship: New Agendas in Communication, 1-90. New York, NY: Routledge Publishing.

Yaros, Ronald A., (2009). Comprehension of Science and Technology Hypertext: Cognitive Flexibility or Construction Integration? Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Boston, MA, August 5-8, 2009.

Yaros, Ronald A., (2009). Correlating Eye-Tracking with Robust Cognitive Measures For Visual Representations in News, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Boston, MA, August 5-8, 2009.

Yaros, Ronald A., (2008). Toward an Integrated Model for Engagement With and Understanding of Complex News Online, Association for Education in Journalism and  Mass Communication, Chicago, IL, August 6-10, 2008.

Yaros, Ronald A. (2006).  Is it the Medium or the Message? Structuring Complex News to Enhance Engagement and Situational Understanding by Non-Experts, Communication Research, 33 (4), 285-309.

Nelson, Michelle R., Ronald A. Yaros, and Heejo Keum, (2006).  Examining the Influence of Telepresence on Spectator and Player Processing of Real and Fictitious Brands in a Computer Game,  Journal of Advertising, 35 (4), Winter 2006, 87-99.

Yaros, Ronald A., (2005). Building a Coherent Web: Using Structure-Building Text and Hypertext to Facilitate Engagement and Understanding of News About Complex Issues, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Communication Technology and Policy Division, San Antonio, TX. August 12, 2005.

Yaros, Ronald A., (2005). Communicating Complex News: Structuring Stories To Enhance Public Engagement and Understanding of Science, Eason Award for Excellence in Research, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Antonio, TX. August 12, 2005.

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